About Us
Company Profile
YouthRise was launched to address a substantive problem in the social care system. Young people leaving care often do so without the support of a loving family. Most young people rely on their family long after they turn 18. Young people leaving care don’t have that luxury. They can be almost entirely alone. At Youth Rise our goal is simple – help young people bridge the gap between residential or foster care and living in the adult world.
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide semi-independent accommodation and a person-centred plan of support for young people leaving care. YouthRise aims to help young people to manage and improve their mental wellbeing and become a positive member of the community. We combine developing young people’s life skills with the benefits of sport and physical activity to improve both physical and mental wellbeing of young people.
Our Objective
Our objective at YouthRise is to provide specialist support to empower and enable young people lead happy, healthy and meaningful lives. To equip and develop the necessary skills for life and healthy relationships, as well as supporting them to boost their confidence and self-esteem so they can pursue a life of happiness and success however they chose to define it.
As former support workers we have first-hand strong expertise in delivering specialised care and support to people with complex needs including challenging behaviour, mental health conditions, profound and multiple learning disabilities.
We understand the impact and value of delivering high quality support. Our aim and guiding principle is to:
(1) uphold the rights of each person we support;
(2) encourage and promote independence;
(3) give choice at every opportunity;
(4) ensure inclusion in our service delivery.
Who Are We?
Launched in 2021 by two former support workers with over 14 years first experience in health and social care. YouthRise will provide supported housing for young people aged between 16-21 achieve semi-independence through – informal but structured day-to-day personalised support. Our aim is to provide a safe and supportive home for care leavers and vulnerable young people at risk of homelessness. The support we deliver will be tailored to meet individual needs and will specifically focus on supporting young people:
- Develop their life skills in order to sustain their tenancies.
- Learn the skills they need to move to independent living in the community.
- Complete their education and professional training.
- Decide on their career choices and find work or training.
- Feel supported to explore and manage their physical and mental health.
The length of stay for each young person will vary depending on their individual progress, age and engagement with the service. The goal by living together collaboratively is to encourage young people to share responsibilities, make decisions for themselves and equip them to live consciously with others. Young people will be encouraged to set realistic goals with staff and engage in our programme and be encourage to actively participate in the local community.